Farm King Rotary Grain Cleaners

Farm King grain cleaners use a pair of rotating drums fitted with screens to separate out trash from your grain. An assortment of screen sizes allow you to use this machine on different crops. Optional 8" intake auger
Cleaning Process A two-stage screening process includes an inner cone screen for large trash and an outer drum screen for fines. Cleaned grain is emptied through a built-in chute.
Move Trash A trash pan collects the fines and with a built-in auger, moves the trash to one end of the cleaner for easy cleanup.
Transport The intake auger can be swiveled around to the side of the cleaner and securely attached for transport. 15" wheels and a full frame transport for yard use is included. (not suitable for road use)
Alternate Options:

Scalper Cleaner
Higher capacity screen cleaner and more easily cut screens. Works well as a pre-cleaner or to pull sticks and rubbish.

Air Powered Seed Cleaner
Ideal for cleaning and grading most cereal crops without the need for costly and unwieldy screens.