1. SPECIFICATIONS Highline Manufacturing Ltd. Highway 27, Box 307 Vonda, SK Canada S0K 4N0 306.258.2233 Toll Free: 800 665.2010 www.highlinemfg.com MODEL NT78 NT60 NT44 Picking Width (inches) 78 60 44 Weight (lb) 7500 6600 5700 Tongue Weight 750 750 750 Bucket Capacity (cu yd) 3.35 2.57 1.89 Dumping Height 84 84 84 Tire Size 21.5L-16.1 16.5I-16.1 11I-15FI Required Horsepower 90-150 70-135 50-120 Hydraulic Hitch Yes Yes Yes Hydraulic Drive Yes Yes Yes Picking Style Reel Reel Reel Number of Bats 3 3 3 Minimum Rock Diameter II 2 " 2 " 2 " Maximum Rock Diameter II 24 " 24 " 24 " Frame 6 " x 4 " x ¼ " Rectangular Tubing Replaceable Tynes Main Apron Tynes are replacable to allow for high acre usage. Hard Surfacing Reel Arm Teeth and Apron Tynes (Standard) Lift Cylinder 3.5 " x 34 " FOLD FOLD Printed in Canada. 06.09.2014
2. Anatomy WORK HORSE of a For over 20 years, the Highline Rock Picker has proven itself as a machine that delivers year in, year out. Designed with few moveable parts, as well as extremely durable components, the Highline Rock Picker remains rock solid. Highline offers the all new NT Rock Picker (available in 78 " , 60 " and 44 " sizes), an upgraded unit with a fresh focus on safety and design features that will make your life even easier when taking care of cleaning up your fields. FEATURES HITCH Redesign The Highline hitch moves the rock picker fully into view of the operator and out of the way of the tractor–even with duals. The hitch also advances the rock picker to a new level of operator convenience with a self-locking arm. The self- locking design doesn’t require any pins or wedges, when you get to the field the transport lock is opened, when going to back to transport the lock is automatic. HI-LIFT Design T he HIGHLINE RAKING REEL To ensure rocks are firmly picked out of the soil and placed into the bucket, a raking reel is a must. Without a reel and track system, rocks will sling shot past the bucket wasting time back tracking to pick rocks up a second time. Only Highline rock pickers come standard equipped with the advanced track and reel system making a tough job as gentle as possible on the equipment. The Hi-Lift design feature provides options for operators to get rocks out of the way or off the field. The Hi-Lift minimizes wasted space from low flat rock piles by allowing taller more compact piles to be made. Or, rocks can be transferred directly to a truck for removal. For fast and convenient rock removal, Highline rock pickers (NT78, NT60 and NT44) have a standard dumping height of 84 " . FOLD FOLD www.highlinemfg.com THE HIGHLINE TRACK AND REEL DESIGN 1 Large, 8" diameter wheels follow the track which guides the reel arms parallel to the ground. This provides raking action in front of the apron rather than a momentary grab of dirt and rocks. With the raking action of the reel arms, there is time for dirt to settle out reducing the amount of soil that is loaded into the bucket. The benefits of the advanced track and reel design exclusive to the Highline Rock picker are: 2 The track and reel lifts rocks up in a near vertical path over the apron, sweeping rocks away while allowing dirt to drop back through the apron to the ground. The vertical section helps to separate dirt from the rocks. 3 Highline’s rock pickers push less dirt than conventional rock pickers because the guided reel collects and lifts the rocks. The conventional rock picker relies solely on the apron to push rocks and collect the combination of dirt and rock. Highline’s rock pickers are made to pick rocks and leave your soil in the field where it belongs. Highline is the only rock picker with the box frame construction. The front frame is built high to let rocks in yet ensure the structure is strong enough to withstand the most difficult rocks that are removed from the field.
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